Blended Education

We strongly believe in effective and flexible education that caters for all learning styles. Each learner has a different schedule, learning style and pace. This is why we, at E-planet Educational Services, are firm believers in blended education.

As time passes, we notice that it is almost impossible to do any kind of learning without the implementation of technology. The internet has now become a part of our everyday life, we depend on it for numerous tasks including education.

Blended education, or hybrid learning as it has also come to be known, is a method of education that allows students of all ages, to participate in a steady and flexible programme. It combines the traditional classroom setting with self paced online sessions. This way, our instructors, equipped with modern and effective teaching skills, are available to explain and assist with the harder, more complex topics. They can give their expert knowledge on new subjects through co-dependent, pre-scheduled lessons in a classroom setting. Our online training provides advanced digital media sources. Loaded with e-books, videos, recordings, exercises and tests it gives students unlimited access to knowledge and immediate results, as the exercises and tests are graded automatically, giving students the opportunity to control their learning pace. This mix of strategies is cost effective, as online material can be reviewed over and over according to one’s needs and flexibility, as each individual can choose the time, place and also the pace of their online study time.

In the year 2000 it was estimated that 45.000 people took online courses. In 2010 that number rose to over 3.000.000. Today it is almost a given that people will either turn to the internet for education or combine both technology and face to face interaction. A study by Garrison and Kanuka (amongst others) concludes that “blended learning … has the proven potential to enhance both the effectiveness and efficiency of meaningful learning experiences.”

We are able to provide the best of these two worlds. We strive to have carefully planned material, expertly trained instructors and classrooms that include the most advanced equipment. Our online material and hard copy books blend together perfectly and support each other completely for the best possible learning experience.

Blended education has proved itself to be a complete and fully integrated method of learning for all kinds of individuals. Regardless of age and pace, it is fun, effective and all inclusive. We are proud to be a part of this amazing process.


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