3 + 1 Mistakes Language Learners Make

Wondering if you’re making mistakes that block your progress? We’ve got you covered! It is a widely accepted notion that learning a new foreign language is never a piece of cake – but it's a lot harder if you fall into these four common traps. Let’s check out how to avoid them!

  1. Using a Single Method

Many language learners fail to diversify the methods they use. That’s why they end up getting bored and stuck with the same textbook for months. And we all know that nothing kills the desire to learn more than boredom. So… let’s shake things up!
What to do: Make sure that you use different and various methods. Learning a language is a holistic process. Put as much variety as you can into it. Approaching English from various angles helps you make the process enjoyable! After all, each student has a different schedule, learning style and pace. This is why we, at E-planet Educational Services, are firm believers in blended education.

  1. Setting Unrealistic Goals

Unrealistic expectations demotivate the learning process. A lot of people give up because they drain themselves way too quickly… Imagine you’re climbing a mountain; it’s huge and it’s cold, and you’re really tired and disoriented. How can you motivate yourself to keep going? You stop, you take a breath and you set smaller goals along the way to help you keep moving.
What to do: Focus on the big picture – but choose a realistic pace and dedicate yourself to your mini, short-term, achievable goals. Unless you are studying for a specific exam, burying your head in books and getting stressed will actually slow down your progress. Realise that learning a language is a marathon and not a sprint!

  1. Avoiding listening

So many learners never make an effort to listen to anything. But the key to communication is understanding what people are saying in the target language! If you neglect this, then you are on the road to failure.
What to do: Try to learn as children do when they start speaking their mother tongue; insert the foreign language into your daily life. Even in the early stages of your learning journey, don’t hesitate to get exposed to the foreign language as much as you can. Attend events that offer a lot of listening opportunities; for example, you can enjoy a play in English. Watch TV shows and movies without reading the subtitles.Take advantage of podcasts on your way to work, when travelling or at home.

  1. Being Scared

Not wanting to make mistakes… is the biggest mistake that you may make! For example, many students are too afraid of mispronouncing words in a way that may embarrass them or make them sound silly. You should always bear in mind that language learning involves a lot of uncertainty; at least, until native-like fluency is achieved!
What to do: You create a barrier when you are constantly afraid of making mistakes. Do not succumb to your fears. Believe in yourself. Trust us, everybody has the ability to learn a foreign language; you learned your mother tongue, didn’t you? Embrace your mistakes and stay positive. Once you actually dare to speak another lingo, you can quickly overcome your fears. The words may start to seem like they magically put themselves into sentences. After all, the only way to become fluent in a language is to practise it!
Have you made any of the mistakes listed in our article? Do you think there are any other mistakes that language learners should be aware of? Let us know in the comments below!
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