Would you like to be well prepared for the IELTS General Training exam? If so, then E-planet's IELTS Made Easy is the right choice for you. This amazing online e-learning program will help you achieve the best scores. Save time, effort and money as our program will provide you with a host of information, advice and practice to make sure that you're fully prepared for the exam. It will gradually build up the skills, language and test techniques needed to pass the exams easily.
IELTS Made Easy offers five tests, complete with tips, samples and instructions. The tests include all four IELTS components: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. The final test provides an evaluation of your speaking and writing by an experienced instructor. Currently, IELTS Made Easy is the ONLY self-study program that offers this important service!

Package Components
• IELTS Made Easy E-learning Card
• User Guide

- You can download the Introduction in pdf form, which contains
important information about the structure, content and scoring of
the examination. - Save this file in a handy location on your computer so that you
can go over it any time you need. - Read it carefully before you proceed to the exercises and pay
attention to the guidelines relevant to each of the four components
of the test.

- The Reading and Listening exercises will give you a score for your
responses, along with the correct answers and a Key. - The Key cites excerpts from the text explaining why the specific
options are correct. - The program’s interactive form allows you to do the exercises as
many times as you want, thereby improving your score.

- The Speaking and Writing sections of this program provide sample
answers, which you can use as models. They have been carefully
constructed to help you. - Use the models as examples that can inspire your own oral and
written speech.

- In the fifth and final test, you will be given the opportunity to
record your answers to the Speaking questions. - Your recording will be sent to an experienced instructor who
will assess your performance and provide you with valuable
feedback. - Furthermore, your responses to the Writing tasks of the final
test will also be evaluated by one of E-planet’s teachers. - IELTS Made Easy is the only self-study program that offers this
important service, which will help you decide if you are ready
to take the official test.

- Access to the unique Learn English program for IELTS.
- IELTS Made Easy offers five tests, complete with tips, samples and
instructions. The tests include all four IELTS components: Reading,
Listening, Speaking and Writing. - This course has been specifically designed to help you prepare
effectively for the IELTS General Training test.