So, are you ready for the next step?

Teaching Guidance
Teaching Guidance
Inspiring Ideas & Practical Knowledge that can be applied to the ELT classroom.
Guidelines, Training Videos & Webinars covering all aspects of teaching English.

Seasonal Activities
Seasonal Activities
Fun & Festive Motivational Materials for learners of different ages, levels, and interests.
Active Engagement Activities for all special days and occasions on the calendar.

Topical Resources
Topical Resources
Innovative & Ready-to-use Materials for everyone: from young learners to business professionals.
Tried and Trusted Resources for the ELT classroom, online lessons, or independent study.

Grammar Corner
Grammar Corner
Explanations & Practice Exercises designed to make every grammar challenge a success.
Board Games, Quizzes & Fun Stuff creating enriching experiences through learning and co-operation.

Exam Preparation
Exam Preparation
Information & Materials about English language exams and their formats.
Tips & Secrets to ensure success and high scores.