5+1 Ways to Become a Better English Teacher

Are you wondering how you can become the enthusiastic, inspirational and successful educator you’ve always wanted to be? We’ve got you covered! Read on to find out what it takes to become a great teacher…

1. Make Learning Fun

Shake things up! Teaching doesn’t always mean that you have to explain vocabulary or grammatical concepts. Why not help your students experience something new and exciting? Everyone learns more effectively when they have fun because they focus more on the present activity rather than on the learning itself. For example, songs and games are a very entertaining way to learn English. You can also turn boring activities into contests with positive reinforcements, like prizes or additional game time. And did we mention that stories are a great way to grab the attention of your young students?

2. Put Technology to Good Use

Think about all the devices you use on a daily basis. In today’s world, technology has a profound effect on numerous aspects of our lives – and this includes teaching. Embrace the different ways technology can contribute to the learning process. At the click of a button, your students will be able to explore an amazing digital world that can help them develop their language skills. Coursebooks and workbooks are important but why not add more variety to your lesson and homework assignments? Your students will be grateful!

3. Be Flexible

One of the tenets of teaching should be that nothing stays constant. A flexible attitude is vital. When a lesson is not going as planned, learn how to adjust quickly and tackle any problem that you might come across. Remember that it’s not uncommon for a meticulously mapped out lesson to come out differently from what you had planned. Embrace unexpected challenges as new opportunities for you and your students. By keeping an open mind and an open heart, you won’t just be a good teacher but also a great role model for them.

4. Challenge Your Students

Nothing kills the desire to learn more than boredom! Make sure that you keep your students challenged. However, you need to make sure you find the right balance and that your teaching goals are ambitious but also realistic. You want to set high standards for your students, so that they will always do their best and gain more knowledge. But these standards should be within their reach. Get to know your learners and their ages, skills and learning styles. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. As a teacher, you may have the chance to interact with students at different stages of development and from all walks of life. Personalise your lessons to fit your learners’ needs.

5. Develop a Positive Attitude and a Sense of Humour

An upbeat mood and sense of humour make a lasting impression. Students intuitively appreciate teachers who create a joyful, supportive and non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom. Keep in mind that laughter is a significant part of being human. It facilitates social bonding and creates a feeling of well-being. It improves physical health by decreasing the level of stress hormones and boosting immune cells that fight illness. A loud infectious laugh can sometimes keep learners engaged and interested; it can also help them feel like they are part of a great team!

6. Reflect on Your Teaching

It is easy for teachers to spend so much time focused on their students’ progress that they forget to consider their own performance. But with a profession as challenging as teaching, self-reflection allows you to think more deeply about what works in the classroom and what doesn’t. No matter how interesting a lesson is, the strategies that you use can always be improved. Fresh and innovative methods can make students happier and much more attentive.

What do you think makes a great teacher? What are your favourite tips regarding ELT (English Language Teaching)? Let us know in the comments below!

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