IELTS - What is the hype all about?

If you have ever dreamt of applying to an international study programme, aspired to work in an English-speaking organisation or company, or to travel all over the world, the IELTS exam is ideal for you! IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. Passing exams in this System is considered as proof of English language fluency worldwide and is a requirement for most educational, professional and immigration purposes in more than 140 countries.

The IELTS exam prepares you for real-life situations with native English speakers, by applying speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. It is designed to make sure you can speak comfortably with fellow students in an international school, to clients at work or to other people on a trip abroad.

Although there is no failing or passing limit, there are specific criteria for each test to make sure that your exact level of fluency is correctly assessed. Most universities and workplaces require a score of 7 to be accepted. If you score below 6 it may be suggested by the university or company that you retake the exam. The same score system is used globally so the results you receive have the same value in every country.

IELTS provides two kinds of exams, making it adaptable for specific needs. IELTS Academic is for people who want to apply to a university or to find a job in an English-speaking country. IELTS General Training is suitable for training or attending seminars at a diploma level. It can also be used for traveling, or living and working in an English-speaking country.

IELTS is an exam which will open doors for you in the future. Attending an IELTS course can provide you with everyday life knowledge and capability to communicate easily with people all over the world!

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